First United Methodist Church
Downtown Wichita is full of all kinds of people, corporate executives, office employees, construction workers, and unhoused people struggling to get through the day. We believe the diversity of our neighborhood is a blessing from God and we aim to treat each person with dignity and respect. At First Church we want to provide hospitality and safety for everyone who walks through our doors. For this reason, we keep the building secure and have well trained staff and security services on-site each week to ensure everyone who wants to can worship without disruption.
What is a United Methodist:
At First United Methodist Church, we are Christians who are excited to be part of the United Methodist Church.
United Methodists are the second largest Protestant denomination in America. United Methodists hold to the historic doctrines of the Christian faith. We are first biblical, but moderates rather than fundamentalists. We value intellect and modern science, while at the same time look to the Bible as the authoritative guide for faith and practice. United Methodists have a passionate faith with strong convictions, but we also recognize that the world is not always black and white. We are willing to ask questions, to wrestle with difficult issues and to do so with grace and compassion.
United Methodists have been known for our emphasis on a personal faith, lived out in concrete ways in the world. We have historically valued relevant and passionate preaching, spirit-filled worship and small groups where people can grown in faith.
United Methodists have open hearts, open minds and welcome anyone interested in learning more about the Christian faith.
Our Beliefs
We believe the church belongs to God and that the church is the body of Christ. The church is to be the physical presence of Christ in the world. Our primary goal is to do God’s will. We believe God has called the First United Methodist Church to the following:
Our Mission
To make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.
Our Vision
Changing Lives and Transforming Communities
Our Purpose
To create a Christian community where anyone can become a completely committed Christian follower of Jesus.
Our Core Values
It is our desire to honor God through our ministry activities. To that end, we strive to achieve these core values:
Our Limitations
We recognize that certain actions could limit our ability to achieve God’s vision and purpose for this church.
We therefore, resolve and state that the First United Methodist Church shall not….
…pursue ministry which is contrary to its purpose
…fail to be good stewards of its financial and non-financial resources
…do anything in opposition to the spirit and intent of the United Methodist Book of Discipline.
…stray from God’s word as contained in scripture.
…stop dreaming and discerning God’s vision for the First United Methodist Church.
Expectations for Every Member of First United Methodist Church
Have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and be ready and willing to share your faith with others.
Be intentional about your personal growth. Participate each week in a worship experience.
Be intentional about where you are known and nurtured. Become a member of a Sunday school class or a small group.
Be intentional about where you serve. Involve yourself on a regular basis in at least one ministry where you touch the lives of others.
Pray regularly for your church: the people, the staff and the pastors.
Be a tither–or a percentage giver making progress towards tithing.