Music is an important part of worship life at First United Methodist Church. With a long tradition of excellence, our musical offerings lift our hearts to God in worship. The melodies and lyrics ascend as prayers and praise to Father, Son and Holy Spirit as we join together in congregational singing, as we are inspired through choral anthems led by our Chancel Choir and vocal and instrumental solos, all while accompanied by the majestic sound of the Schantz pipe organ in our beautiful Sanctuary. Music draws us into God’s presence as we offer our words of praise and supplication, as we gather around the Lord’s Table for communion, as we offer our gifts and offerings unto the Lord, and as we respond and go forth to share God’s love with the world.
We have several opportunities for people to use their musical gifts and talents:
- Chancel Choir rehearses each Wednesday evening (5:45 – 6:50 p.m. in the Sanctuary) and sings each Sunday for morning worship service and other special services including Christmas Eve, Ash Wednesday, and Good Friday. If you are interested in learning more about the Chancel Choir, please contact Donald Gray, Director of Music/Chancel Choir Director at [email protected].
- Chancel Handbell Choir rehearses Wednesday evenings (7:00 – 8:00 p.m.) during the school year (September thru May) and rings during communion for Sunday morning worship services and at other special services throughout the year. Please contact Jan Carduff, Chancel Handbell Choir Director ([email protected]) if you would like to know more about joining the bell choir.